Noise at Work

Noise at work can have adverse effects on employees’ health and productivity, and there are various regulations and measures in place to address and mitigate workplace noise.

What is noise at work?

Noise at work is an undesired or disruptive sound within a professional setting that may adversely affect workers’ health and productivity. Such noise typically emanates from machinery, equipment, and daily operational activities. To protect employees, numerous global and national regulatory bodies have established standards for acceptable noise levels. Adherence to these standards requires employers to undertake actions such as conducting regular noise assessments, providing protective equipment, and offering training to ensure a safe auditory environment in the workplace.

What is noise at work

Noisy work environments

Noisy work environments are settings where the sound levels can consistently reach or exceed levels that are potentially harmful or disruptive to workers. Such environments can range from manufacturing facilities to entertainment venues. Here are some common noisy work environments and related challenges:

  1. Manufacturing Plants and Factories: Machinery and equipment, especially in heavy manufacturing or production lines, can produce consistent and high levels of noise.
  2. Construction Sites: The use of heavy machinery, tools, and equipment, such as jackhammers and bulldozers, can result in high noise levels.
  3. Airports: Ground support equipment, jet engines, and other operations create a consistently loud environment.
  4. Transportation: This includes both public and freight transportation environments, such as train stations, bus depots, or ports where large vehicles or vessels operate.
  5. Agriculture and Forestry: Heavy machinery used in these sectors, like chainsaws and tractors, can be loud.
  6. Entertainment Venues: Concert halls, stadiums, nightclubs, and theaters can have elevated sound levels, especially during events.
  7. Mining: Activities associated with drilling, blasting, and operating heavy machinery contribute to noise.
  8. Shooting Ranges: The discharge of firearms in close quarters or open spaces can be exceptionally loud.
  9. Military Operations: Combat training, artillery firing, and aircraft operations can expose military personnel to high noise levels.
Table of Contents

Yes, noise is a workplace hazard. Prolonged exposure to high levels of noise in the workplace can lead to noise-induced hearing loss and other health-related issues. It can also contribute to stress, fatigue, and decreased productivity. Various authoritative entities, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the U.S., the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK, and the European Union (EU) Directives, have established regulations concerning noise exposure in the workplace. These regulations are based on research and studies that highlight the detrimental effects of prolonged noise exposure. Additionally, international standards set by bodies like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) further emphasize the global recognition of noise as a significant occupational hazard.

The effects of noise in the workplace can be diverse, impacting both the physical health and psychological well-being of workers. Here are the primary effects:

  1. Hearing Loss: Continuous exposure to high noise levels can lead to permanent or temporary noise-induced hearing loss.
  2. Tinnitus: This is a persistent ringing or buzzing in the ears, which can result from short-term exposure to very loud noises or prolonged exposure to elevated noise levels.
  3. Stress and Fatigue: Chronic noise exposure can elevate stress levels, leading to fatigue, irritability, and decreased concentration.
  4. Reduced Productivity: Excessive noise can distract workers, making it difficult to focus and complete tasks efficiently.
  5. Communication Difficulties: High noise levels can impede verbal communication, leading to misunderstandings, errors, and reduced team cohesion.
  6. Sleep Disturbances: Workers exposed to noise during night shifts, or those living in areas where workplace noise spills over, might experience disturbed sleep patterns.
  7. Cardiovascular Problems: Some studies suggest that prolonged exposure to noise can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension.
  8. Mental Health Issues: Chronic noise exposure has been linked to increased risks of anxiety and depression.
  9. Accidents and Injuries: Impaired communication and concentration due to noise can increase the likelihood of accidents and injuries.
  10. Interference with Equipment: In certain environments, noise can interfere with the operation or interpretation of machinery or tools, leading to errors or inefficiencies.

What is the acceptable noise in the workplace?

The acceptable noise level in the workplace varies based on the nature of the work and the standards set by various national and international regulatory bodies. However, a commonly referenced standard is set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the U.S.:

  • OSHA Standards: OSHA sets the permissible noise exposure limit for workers at a time-weighted average of 85 decibels (dB) over an 8-hour day. When noise exposure reaches or exceeds this level, employers are required to implement a hearing conservation program.

In the context of specific workplace environments:

  • Offices: Acceptable noise levels typically range between 45-65 dB. This ensures that employees can concentrate and communicate effectively. Noise levels should be lower in areas requiring high concentration or intensive conversation.
  • Industrial or Construction Sites: Due to the nature of machinery and operations, noise levels can be much higher. However, constant exposure to levels above 85 dB over an 8-hour period is considered harmful.
  • Other Workplaces: The acceptable noise level will vary depending on the tasks being performed. For instance, in environments requiring high concentration or lots of conversation, organizations such as Safe Work Australia recommend noise levels lower than 50 dB. For work that’s routine, fast-paced, and demands attentiveness with conversations, the recommended noise level is up to 70 dB.

It’s essential to note that these are general guidelines and the exact acceptable levels might differ based on regional regulations, type of industry, and specific tasks. Regular noise assessments and the use of protective equipment become crucial, especially in environments with potential for high noise exposure.

What is the acceptable noise in the workplace

What are noise working hours?

Noise working hours typically refer to the periods during which noise from operations or activities is permitted without violating regulations or causing undue disturbances. Safe levels of noise at work, on the other hand, indicate the maximum decibel levels to which workers can be exposed without risking their hearing health.

In many urban areas and jurisdictions, there are regulations that restrict certain noisy activities to specified hours, especially if they might disturb the peace of residential neighborhoods. For example, construction activities might be limited to daytime hours. The specific hours and noise levels deemed acceptable often vary by locality, type of activity, and day of the week. Regulations often have exceptions for emergencies or essential work.

What is noise exposure?

Noise exposure often symbolized as LEX, represents the average decibel level to which a worker is exposed over a specified work duration, typically 8 hours. This value is frequently communicated as a Noise Dose, signifying a percentage of the permissible daily limit. In the European Union, this standard measurement period is denoted as LEX,8h, where the “8h” emphasizes the standard 8-hour work reference time. In contrast, the United States utilizes the term TWA (Time-Weighted Average) for this 8-hour assessment, which derives from the LAV (Averaged SPL). Both approaches aim to quantify the average noise level over a worker’s typical workday to ensure safety standards are upheld.

What is noise exposure

OSHA Noise Exposure

OSHA 1910.95 defines noise exposure as a measure of the potential harm or risk to hearing that an employee faces due to the ambient noise in their workplace. This exposure is standardized to the TWA over an eight-hour shift to allow for consistent regulations and protections across various job roles and industries. The “8-Hour Time-Weighted Average Sound Level” (TWA) denotes the steady noise level an employee would be exposed to over an 8-hour period that would result in the same hearing hazard as the varying noise they were actually exposed to during that time frame. The TWA is expressed in decibels (dB), which is a logarithmic unit that quantifies the intensity of sound.

What is a Noise Dose?

According to the OSHA 1910.95  the Noise Dose is a Percent Noise Exposure which represents an employee’s cumulative noise exposure over an 8-hour period as a percentage of allowable exposure. In essence, if an employee were exposed to a constant noise level over 8 hours, a dose of 100% would equate to the permissible exposure level set by the regulatory body. Doses above 100% indicate overexposure. Noise dose converts to a constant sound level (TWA) that represents the same level of risk over 8 hours, for example:

  • If the measured dose for an employee is 50%, the equivalent 8-hour TWA is 85.0 dB.
  • If the measured dose for an employee is 25%, the equivalent 8-hour TWA is 80.0 dB.
  • If the measured dose is 100%, the equivalent 8-hour TWA is 90.0 dB.

Noise at work regulations

Noise regulations in the workplace are critical for ensuring employee safety and health. Local regulations in the US, EU, and UK set action values for daily or weekly noise exposure and peak sound pressure, triggering the need for risk assessments and the provision of hearing protection:

US – OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration):

  1. OSHA Standards for Workplace Noise: Under the Occupational Noise Exposure Standard (29 CFR 1910.95), OSHA sets the permissible noise exposure limit to an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels (dB) measured on the A-scale (slow response). Employers must have a hearing conservation program in place if workers are exposed to a time-weighted average noise level of 85 dBA or higher over an 8-hour work shift.
  2. OSHA Violation for Noise: A violation occurs when workplaces allow exposure beyond the permissible exposure limit or fail to have adequate hearing conservation programs. Violations can result in citations and fines.

EU – European Union Directives: The EU has Directive 2003/10/EC which aims to define minimum requirements for the protection of workers from risks to their health and safety arising from exposure to noise, particularly the risk to hearing.

UK – Health and Safety Executive (HSE):

  1. HSE Noise at Work / HSE L108: The L108 “Controlling Noise at Work” is the HSE’s guide to the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005. It provides guidance on assessing and controlling risks from noise in the workplace.
  2. Noise at Work 2005: The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 are the main legal framework in the UK that dictates how employers must protect their workers from the risks of noise. They require employers to assess risks, make arrangements to control noise exposure, provide employees with information, instruction, and training, and conduct health surveillance where needed.


Noise at work regulations

What are safe noise levels at work?

Safe noise levels at work are determined based on established guidelines and regulations aimed at preventing hearing loss and other health issues related to noise exposure. These guidelines specify the maximum permissible exposure limits to noise, often based on an 8-hour workday. Here are the general standards for safe noise levels:

  1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – USA:
    • 85 decibels (dB) averaged over 8 hours (time-weighted average or TWA).
    • For every 5 dB increase in noise level, the permissible exposure time is cut in half. For instance, at 90 dB, the allowable exposure is 4 hours, and at 95 dB, it’s 2 hours.
  2. European Union Directives:
    • The lower exposure action values are set at a daily or weekly average exposure of 80 dB and peak sound pressure of 112 Pa (equivalent to 135 dB in terms of peak sound pressure level).
    • The upper exposure action values are set at a daily or weekly average exposure of 85 dB and peak sound pressure of 140 Pa (equivalent to 137 dB in terms of peak sound pressure level).
  3. Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – UK:
    • The lower exposure action values are set at 80 dB daily or weekly average exposure and a peak sound pressure of 112 Pa.
    • The upper exposure action values are 85 dB daily or weekly average exposure and a peak sound pressure of 140 Pa.
    • Exposure limit values are 87 dB daily or weekly average exposure (taking into account hearing protection) and peak sound pressure of 200 Pa.
  4. World Health Organization (WHO):
    • Recommends that under occupational settings, the equivalent sound level should not exceed 85 dB for 8 hours.
    • For every 3 dB increase in noise, the exposure duration should be reduced by half.
  5. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH):
    • Recommends an exposure limit of 85 dB over 8 hours.
    • Unlike OSHA’s 5 dB exchange rate, NIOSH recommends a 3 dB exchange rate, meaning for every 3 dB increase in noise level, the allowable exposure time is halved.

Is it 85 decibels loud?

Yes, it is quite loud. People may not be able to focus or communicate properly at this level of noise. A quiet workplace noise level is generally around 50 decibels.

Noise at work survey

A noise survey or noise at work survey is a method used to measure and assess the levels of noise exposure within a workplace. Its primary aim is to ensure that employees are not exposed to harmful levels of noise that might lead to hearing loss or other health issues. When undertaking a noise survey, it’s beneficial to engage experts in acoustics or occupational health to ensure accuracy, appropriate methodology, and effective control measure recommendations.

Noise at work survey

How to conduct a noise survey?

Conducting a noise survey involves a systematic approach to measure and assess the levels of noise exposure within a workplace. Properly executing a noise survey ensures that the results are accurate and that appropriate steps are taken based on the findings. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Preparation:
    • Determine the Objective: Understand whether you’re conducting a general assessment or targeting a specific area or task.
    • Gather Preliminary Data: Obtain floor plans, equipment lists, and operational schedules. A walkthrough of the premises can help identify potential high-noise areas.
    • Select Appropriate Instruments: Depending on the type of assessment, you might need sound level meters, noise dosimeters, octave band analyzers, or other equipment. Ensure instruments are calibrated.
  2. Select Measurement Locations and Times:
    • Locations: Identify areas where workers are present and where high-noise equipment is operating.
    • Times: Measure during different operational conditions (e.g., when machinery is running at full capacity versus partial capacity).
  3. Conduct the Survey:
    • Spot Measurements: Use a sound level meter to take instantaneous noise measurements at specified locations.
    • Personal Noise Dosimetry: Have workers wear dosimeters over a work shift to record their noise exposure.
    • Frequency Analysis: For specific areas or equipment, an octave band analysis might be necessary to determine the frequency content of the noise.
    • Document: Record the date, time, location, equipment/settings, and operator details alongside each measurement.
  4. Analyze Data:
    • Average and Peak Levels: Calculate average noise levels over time and identify peak noise events.
    • Compare with Standards: Compare measured levels with permissible exposure limits set by regulatory bodies.
    • Identify Problem Areas: Highlight areas or tasks where noise levels exceed regulatory limits or where there’s potential for noise-induced hearing loss.
  5. Report Findings:
    • Summarize Data: Provide an overview of the methods used, equipment, locations, and times.
    • Provide Detailed Results: Use tables, charts, or heat maps to visually represent noise levels in different areas.
    • Recommend Control Measures: If areas of concern are identified, suggest noise control measures such as engineering controls, administrative changes, or the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  6. Recommend and Implement Control Measures:
    • Engineering: Modify equipment, install barriers, or introduce sound-absorbing materials.
    • Administrative: Change work schedules, rotate workers, or introduce quiet zones.
    • PPE: Recommend earplugs, earmuffs, or other suitable hearing protection.
  7. Review and Reassess:
    • Monitor Changes: If there have been significant changes in the workplace, such as new machinery or altered processes, conduct another survey.
    • Regular Checks: Even without significant changes, periodic checks ensure that noise levels remain within safe limits.
  8. Training and Awareness:
    • Educate Employees: Ensure that workers understand the risks of excessive noise and the steps they can take to protect their hearing.

For the best results, consider engaging with professionals specializing in acoustics or occupational health. They bring expertise in both the technical aspects of measurement and the interpretation of results.

Use of sound level meter and noise dosimeter

The noise survey is carried out with a hand-held sound level meter such as the SV 973 class 2 sound level meter. It’s called “noise sweeping” and the aim is to determine noise levels more accurately than your mobile app. The next step is to perform noise monitoring with a noise dosimeter once the high levels of noise have been verified.

Noise monitoring at the workplace

You’d wear a noise dosimeter on your shoulder, close to your ear, to assess what you hear. The procedure would last the full working day, generally three or five days in a row. After such monitoring, the data would be analyzed to check the real noise exposure you are experiencing.

Can you cheat the noise dosimeter?

The modern noise dosimeters such as SV 104 noise dosimeter are too smart to be fooled. They use the frequency analysis, movement detection, or even sound recording to determine if the noise is genuine and not caused by knocking the dosimeter.

Noise exposure report

The noise consultant will issue a report indicating the noise exposure and how it compares to noise restrictions after the measurements are completed and data analyzed. Consultants also offer advice on future actions. As a result, it’s back to the employer for further improvements!

noise exposure report

Workplace Noise Assessment

Workplace noise assessment is crucial for understanding the potential risks to employees’ hearing and determining appropriate interventions. In an office setting, while noise levels might generally be lower than in industrial environments, distractions or intermittent loud noises can affect productivity and well-being.

Workplace Noise Assessment is done based on survey with a calibrated sound level meters or noise dosimeters to record noise levels over a specific period. The collected data helps in understanding both continuous and intermittent noise patterns. After gathering the data, the results are compared with established standards (like OSHA’s or a relevant local body’s)  it’s important to involve professionals with expertise in acoustics or occupational health to ensure accurate readings and effective solutions. Regular assessments, especially after significant changes in the office layout, equipment, or staff size, will help maintain a conducive and healthy work environment.

Workplace Noise Assessment

Control measures for noise in the workplace

Controlling workplace noise is essential for protecting workers’ hearing and ensuring a productive working environment. Here are several control measures to consider, ranging from engineering solutions to administrative strategies:

  1. Engineering Controls:
    • Source Modification: Modify or replace equipment to operate more quietly.
    • Enclosures: Encase noise-producing machinery or processes within soundproof enclosures.
    • Vibration Dampers: Use vibration dampening materials or mounts to reduce vibration-induced noise.
    • Barriers and Screens: Use barriers or screens to block the direct path of sound.
    • Acoustic Absorption: Install sound-absorbent panels or baffles to reduce reflected sound within an area.
    • Mufflers: Use mufflers on engine exhausts and air vents to minimize noise emissions.
  2. Administrative Controls:
    • Rotating Shifts: Limit the time workers spend in noisy environments by rotating them through different tasks.
    • Quiet Zones: Designate certain areas of the workplace as quiet zones where noise-producing activities are restricted.
    • Maintenance: Regularly maintain and lubricate machinery to ensure it operates quietly and efficiently.
    • Training: Educate employees about the risks associated with noise exposure and the importance of using protective measures.
    • Signage: Place warning signs in areas where noise levels exceed safe limits, alerting workers to the hazards.
  3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
    • Earplugs: Disposable or reusable plugs that fit into the ear canal. They’re versatile and suitable for many different environments.
    • Earmuffs: Devices that cover the entire outer ear. They offer a consistent level of protection and are often used in conjunction with earplugs for maximum protection in extremely noisy environments.
    • Canal Caps: Similar to earplugs but mounted on a flexible plastic band. They’re easy to put on and take off quickly.
  4. Work Practice Controls:
    • Limit Exposure: Reduce the amount of time workers are exposed to high noise levels.
    • Breaks: Ensure workers take regular breaks if working in a noisy environment for prolonged periods.
    • Remote Operation: Where possible, operate noisy machinery remotely.
  5. Acoustic Design:
    • Soundproofing: Incorporate soundproofing materials and designs when constructing new facilities or renovating existing ones.
    • Layout Design: Position noisy equipment away from workers or in isolated areas.
  6. Monitoring and Assessment:
    • Regular Noise Assessments: Conduct regular noise assessments to identify areas of concern and ensure control measures are effective.
    • Feedback Mechanisms: Allow employees to report areas of excessive noise and participate in finding solutions.

It’s essential to adopt a hierarchical approach when implementing control measures, prioritizing the elimination or reduction of noise at the source. If this isn’t feasible, the focus should shift to administrative controls and PPE to protect workers from harmful noise exposure.

Control measures for noise in the workplace

Key Takeaways

  1. Noise at work refers to undesired or disruptive sounds in a professional setting that can negatively impact employees’ health and productivity. It often originates from machinery, equipment, and daily operations.
  2. Acceptable noise levels at work vary based on the nature of the work and are often regulated by national and international bodies. For example, OSHA sets the permissible noise exposure limit at 85 decibels (dB) over an 8-hour workday in the United States.
  3. Noise exposure is measured as the average decibel level over a specified work duration, typically 8 hours. It is crucial for assessing the risk of hearing damage, and various standards like LEX,8h are used to quantify exposure.
  4. Different regions, such as the US, EU, and UK, have noise regulations in place to protect workers. These regulations set action values for daily or weekly noise exposure and peak sound pressure, triggering risk assessments and hearing protection provisions.
  5. A noise survey is essential for assessing workplace noise levels accurately. It involves risk assessment, compliance verification, protection of workers, and documentation.
  6. Conducting a noise survey requires preparation, selecting appropriate instruments, measuring noise levels at different locations and times, analyzing data, and producing a report with recommendations for control measures.
  7. Noise surveys utilize sound level meters for spot measurements and noise dosimeters for monitoring a worker’s exposure over a shift.
  8. After completing noise measurements and analysis, a noise consultant issues a report detailing exposure levels and recommendations for improvement.
  9. Various control measures are available, including engineering controls (modifying equipment), administrative controls (scheduling and quiet zones), personal protective equipment (earplugs and earmuffs), and work practice controls (limiting exposure and breaks).

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Sound Level Meter

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